Class Encrypt


extends Kohana_Encrypt

Kohana Team
(c) 2007-2012 Kohana Team
(c) 2016-2018 Koseven Team


This class is a transparent base class for Kohana_Encrypt


public engine $_engine

Encryption engine

Default value:

public static string $default

default instance name

string(7) "default"

public static array $instances

Encrypt class instances



public __construct(string $key_config [, string $mode = NULL , string $cipher = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Encrypt)

Creates a new mcrypt wrapper.


  • string $key_config required - Encryption key or config array
  • string $mode = NULL - Encryption mode
  • string $cipher = NULL - Encryption cipher

Source Code

public function __construct($key_config, $mode = NULL, $cipher = NULL)
	if (is_string($key_config))
		$this->_engine = new Encrypt_Engine_Mcrypt($key_config, $mode, $cipher);
		if ( ! isset($key_config['type']))
			$key_config['type'] = 'mcrypt';

		// Set the engine class name
		$engine_name = 'Encrypt_Engine_'.ucfirst($key_config['type']);

		// Create the engine class
		$this->_engine = new $engine_name($key_config);

public decode(string $data ) (defined in Kohana_Encrypt)

Decrypts an encoded string back to its original value.

$data = $encrypt->decode($data);


  • string $data required - Encoded string to be decrypted

Return Values

  • FALSE - If decryption fails
  • string

Source Code

public function decode($data)
	return $this->_engine->decrypt($data);

public encode(string $data ) (defined in Kohana_Encrypt)

Encrypts a string and returns an encrypted string that can be decoded.

$data = $encrypt->encode($data);

The encrypted binary data is encoded using base64 to convert it to a string. This string can be stored in a database, displayed, and passed using most other means without corruption.


  • string $data required - Data to be encrypted

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public function encode($data)
	// Get an initialization vector
	$iv = $this->_create_iv();

	return $this->_engine->encrypt($data, $iv);

public static instance([ string $name = NULL , $config = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Encrypt)

Returns a singleton instance of Encrypt. An encryption key must be provided in your "encrypt" configuration file.

$encrypt = Encrypt::instance();


  • string $name = NULL - Configuration group name
  • unknown $config = NULL

Return Values

  • Encrypt

Source Code

public static function instance($name = NULL, array $config = NULL)
	if ($name === NULL)
		// Use the default instance name
		$name = Encrypt::$default;

	if ( ! isset(Encrypt::$instances[$name]))
		if ($config === NULL)
			// Load the configuration data
			$config = Kohana::$config->load('encrypt')->$name;

		if ( ! isset($config['key']))
			// No default encryption key is provided!
			throw new Kohana_Exception('No encryption key is defined in the encryption configuration group: :group',
				[':group' => $name]);

		// Create a new instance
		Encrypt::$instances[$name] = new Encrypt($config);

	return Encrypt::$instances[$name];

protected _create_iv() (defined in Kohana_Encrypt)

Proxy for the mcrypt_create_iv function - to allow mocking and testing against KAT vectors

Return Values

  • string - The initialization vector or FALSE on error

Source Code

protected function _create_iv()
	return $this->_engine->create_iv();

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