Class Bench_DateSpan


extends Codebench
extends Kohana_Codebench

Woody Gilk <>


public $description

Default value:
string(43) "Optimization for <code>Date::span()</code>."

public array $grades

Grade letters with their maximum scores. Used to color the graphs.

Default value:
array(6) (
    125 => string(1) "A"
    150 => string(1) "B"
    200 => string(1) "C"
    300 => string(1) "D"
    500 => string(1) "E"
    "default" => string(1) "F"

public $loops

Default value:
integer 1000

public $subjects

Default value:


public __construct() (defined in Bench_DateSpan)


Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function __construct()

	$this->subjects = [
		time() - Date::MONTH,
		time() - Date::YEAR,
		time() - Date::YEAR * 10,

public static bench_span_original() (defined in Bench_DateSpan)

Source Code

public static function bench_span_original($remote, $local = NULL, $output = 'years,months,weeks,days,hours,minutes,seconds')
	// Array with the output formats
	$output = preg_split('/[^a-z]+/', strtolower( (string) $output));

	// Invalid output
	if (empty($output))
		return FALSE;

	// Make the output values into keys
	extract(array_flip($output), EXTR_SKIP);

	if ($local === NULL)
		// Calculate the span from the current time
		$local = time();

	// Calculate timespan (seconds)
	$timespan = abs($remote - $local);

	if (isset($years))
		$timespan -= Date::YEAR * ($years = (int) floor($timespan / Date::YEAR));

	if (isset($months))
		$timespan -= Date::MONTH * ($months = (int) floor($timespan / Date::MONTH));

	if (isset($weeks))
		$timespan -= Date::WEEK * ($weeks = (int) floor($timespan / Date::WEEK));

	if (isset($days))
		$timespan -= Date::DAY * ($days = (int) floor($timespan / Date::DAY));

	if (isset($hours))
		$timespan -= Date::HOUR * ($hours = (int) floor($timespan / Date::HOUR));

	if (isset($minutes))
		$timespan -= Date::MINUTE * ($minutes = (int) floor($timespan / Date::MINUTE));

	// Seconds ago, 1
	if (isset($seconds))
		$seconds = $timespan;

	// Remove the variables that cannot be accessed
	unset($timespan, $remote, $local);

	// Deny access to these variables
	$deny = array_flip(['deny', 'key', 'difference', 'output']);

	// Return the difference
	$difference = [];
	foreach ($output as $key)
		if (isset($$key) AND ! isset($deny[$key]))
			// Add requested key to the output
			$difference[$key] = $$key;

	// Invalid output formats string
	if (empty($difference))
		return FALSE;

	// If only one output format was asked, don't put it in an array
	if (count($difference) === 1)
		return current($difference);

	// Return array
	return $difference;

public static bench_span_use_array() (defined in Bench_DateSpan)

Source Code

public static function bench_span_use_array($remote, $local = NULL, $output = 'years,months,weeks,days,hours,minutes,seconds')
	// Array with the output formats
	$output = preg_split('/[^a-z]+/', strtolower( (string) $output));

	// Invalid output
	if (empty($output))
		return FALSE;

	// Convert the list of outputs to an associative array
	$output = array_combine($output, array_fill(0, count($output), 0));

	// Make the output values into keys
	extract(array_flip($output), EXTR_SKIP);

	if ($local === NULL)
		// Calculate the span from the current time
		$local = time();

	// Calculate timespan (seconds)
	$timespan = abs($remote - $local);

	if (isset($output['years']))
		$timespan -= Date::YEAR * ($output['years'] = (int) floor($timespan / Date::YEAR));

	if (isset($output['months']))
		$timespan -= Date::MONTH * ($output['months'] = (int) floor($timespan / Date::MONTH));

	if (isset($output['weeks']))
		$timespan -= Date::WEEK * ($output['weeks'] = (int) floor($timespan / Date::WEEK));

	if (isset($output['days']))
		$timespan -= Date::DAY * ($output['days'] = (int) floor($timespan / Date::DAY));

	if (isset($output['hours']))
		$timespan -= Date::HOUR * ($output['hours'] = (int) floor($timespan / Date::HOUR));

	if (isset($output['minutes']))
		$timespan -= Date::MINUTE * ($output['minutes'] = (int) floor($timespan / Date::MINUTE));

	// Seconds ago, 1
	if (isset($output['seconds']))
		$output['seconds'] = $timespan;

	if (count($output) === 1)
		// Only a single output was requested, return it
		return array_pop($output);

	// Return array
	return $output;

public run() (defined in Kohana_Codebench)

Runs Codebench on the extending class.

Return Values

  • array - Benchmark output

Source Code

public function run()
	// Array of all methods to loop over
	$methods = array_filter(get_class_methods($this), [$this, '_method_filter']);

	// Make sure the benchmark runs at least once,
	// also if no subject data has been provided.
	if (empty($this->subjects))
		$this->subjects = ['NULL' => NULL];

	// Initialize benchmark output
	$codebench = [
		'class'       => get_class($this),
		'description' => $this->description,
		'loops'       => [
			'base'    => (int) $this->loops,
			'total'   => (int) $this->loops * count($this->subjects) * count($methods),
		'subjects'    => $this->subjects,
		'benchmarks'  => [],

	// Benchmark each method
	foreach ($methods as $method)
		// Initialize benchmark output for this method
		$codebench['benchmarks'][$method] = ['time' => 0, 'memory' => 0];

		// Using Reflection because simply calling $this->$method($subject) in the loop below
		// results in buggy benchmark times correlating to the length of the method name.
		$reflection = new ReflectionMethod(get_class($this), $method);

		// Benchmark each subject on each method
		foreach ($this->subjects as $subject_key => $subject)
			// Prerun each method/subject combo before the actual benchmark loop.
			// This way relatively expensive initial processes won't be benchmarked, e.g. autoloading.
			// At the same time we capture the return here so we don't have to do that in the loop anymore.
			$return = $reflection->invoke($this, $subject);

			// Start the timer for one subject
			$token = Profiler::start('codebench', $method.$subject_key);

			// The heavy work
			for ($i = 0; $i < $this->loops; ++$i)
				$reflection->invoke($this, $subject);

			// Stop and read the timer
			$benchmark = Profiler::total($token);

			// Benchmark output specific to the current method and subject
			$codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['subjects'][$subject_key] = [
				'return' => $return,
				'time'   => $benchmark[0],
				'memory' => $benchmark[1],

			// Update method totals
			$codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['time']   += $benchmark[0];
			$codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['memory'] += $benchmark[1];

	// Initialize the fastest and slowest benchmarks for both methods and subjects, time and memory,
	// these values will be overwritten using min() and max() later on.
	// The 999999999 values look like a hack, I know, but they work,
	// unless your method runs for more than 31 years or consumes over 1GB of memory.
	$fastest_method = $fastest_subject = ['time' => 999999999, 'memory' => 999999999];
	$slowest_method = $slowest_subject = ['time' => 0, 'memory' => 0];

	// Find the fastest and slowest benchmarks, needed for the percentage calculations
	foreach ($methods as $method)
		// Update the fastest and slowest method benchmarks
		$fastest_method['time']   = min($fastest_method['time'],   $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['time']);
		$fastest_method['memory'] = min($fastest_method['memory'], $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['memory']);
		$slowest_method['time']   = max($slowest_method['time'],   $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['time']);
		$slowest_method['memory'] = max($slowest_method['memory'], $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['memory']);

		foreach ($this->subjects as $subject_key => $subject)
			// Update the fastest and slowest subject benchmarks
			$fastest_subject['time']   = min($fastest_subject['time'],   $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['subjects'][$subject_key]['time']);
			$fastest_subject['memory'] = min($fastest_subject['memory'], $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['subjects'][$subject_key]['memory']);
			$slowest_subject['time']   = max($slowest_subject['time'],   $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['subjects'][$subject_key]['time']);
			$slowest_subject['memory'] = max($slowest_subject['memory'], $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['subjects'][$subject_key]['memory']);

	// Percentage calculations for methods
	foreach ($codebench['benchmarks'] as & $method)
		// Calculate percentage difference relative to fastest and slowest methods
		$method['percent']['fastest']['time']   = (empty($fastest_method['time']))   ? 0 : ($method['time']   / $fastest_method['time']   * 100);
		$method['percent']['fastest']['memory'] = (empty($fastest_method['memory'])) ? 0 : ($method['memory'] / $fastest_method['memory'] * 100);
		$method['percent']['slowest']['time']   = (empty($slowest_method['time']))   ? 0 : ($method['time']   / $slowest_method['time']   * 100);
		$method['percent']['slowest']['memory'] = (empty($slowest_method['memory'])) ? 0 : ($method['memory'] / $slowest_method['memory'] * 100);

		// Assign a grade for time and memory to each method
		$method['grade']['time']   = $this->_grade($method['percent']['fastest']['time']);
		$method['grade']['memory'] = $this->_grade($method['percent']['fastest']['memory']);

		// Percentage calculations for subjects
		foreach ($method['subjects'] as & $subject)
			// Calculate percentage difference relative to fastest and slowest subjects for this method
			$subject['percent']['fastest']['time']   = (empty($fastest_subject['time']))   ? 0 : ($subject['time']   / $fastest_subject['time']   * 100);
			$subject['percent']['fastest']['memory'] = (empty($fastest_subject['memory'])) ? 0 : ($subject['memory'] / $fastest_subject['memory'] * 100);
			$subject['percent']['slowest']['time']   = (empty($slowest_subject['time']))   ? 0 : ($subject['time']   / $slowest_subject['time']   * 100);
			$subject['percent']['slowest']['memory'] = (empty($slowest_subject['memory'])) ? 0 : ($subject['memory'] / $slowest_subject['memory'] * 100);

			// Assign a grade letter for time and memory to each subject
			$subject['grade']['time']   = $this->_grade($subject['percent']['fastest']['time']);
			$subject['grade']['memory'] = $this->_grade($subject['percent']['fastest']['memory']);

	return $codebench;

protected _grade(integer|double $score ) (defined in Kohana_Codebench)

Returns the applicable grade letter for a score.


  • integer|double $score required - Score

Return Values

  • string - Grade letter

Source Code

protected function _grade($score)
	foreach ($this->grades as $max => $grade)
		if ($max === 'default')

		if ($score <= $max)
			return $grade;

	return $this->grades['default'];

protected _method_filter(string $method ) (defined in Kohana_Codebench)

Callback for array_filter(). Filters out all methods not to benchmark.


  • string $method required - Method name

Return Values

  • boolean

Source Code

protected function _method_filter($method)
	// Only benchmark methods with the "bench" prefix
	return (substr($method, 0, 5) === 'bench');

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