
Example of basic controller for application

Auto render templates for action and layout

Extends Controller_Template: action template wrapped in layout/theme template.

abstract class Controller_Base extends Controller_Template {
     * @var  string|View  Page template, wrapper for action content.
    public $template = 'layout';
     * @var  string|View  Action content template.
    public $action_template;
     * Init View for action template and bind as 'action_content' in layout template.
     * @return  void
    public function init_action_template()
        if ( ! $this->action_template)
            // Auto set name of action template based on current controller and action.
            $this->action_template = [
            if ($this->request->directory())
                array_unshift($this->action_template, $this->request->directory());
            $this->action_template = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->action_template);
        // Create View for action template.
        $this->action_template = new View($this->action_template);
        // Wrap action template in layout.
        $this->template->bind('main_content', $this->action_template);
     * Automatically executed before the controller action.
     * @return  void
    public function before()
        // Set action template after parent code.
        if ($this->auto_render)

Example of layout.php:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- Render action template -->

Check user authorization and RBAC authentication

Used Auth module. Set $check_auth as TRUE for auto check auth. Set $auth_roles as ['login', 'admin'] for backend controllers.

 * @var  bool  Check user auth?
public $check_auth = FALSE;
 * @var  array  List the roles required to access.
public $auth_roles = ['login'];
 * Check user authentication and authorization.
 * @return  void
public function check_auth()
    $auth = Auth::instance();
    if ( ! $auth->get_user())
        throw new HTTP_Exception_401('Unauthorized user');
    elseif ( ! $auth->logged_in($this->auth_roles))
        throw new HTTP_Exception_403('Access forbidden');
 * Automatically executed before the controller action.
 * @return  void
public function before()
    // Check auth at first.
    if ($this->check_auth)


    if ($this->auto_render)

Load configuration

Set $config as ['application_config', 'controller_config'] or ['application_config', 'controller_config', 'action_config'].

 * @var  array  Auto loaded configuration.
public $config = [];
 * Load controller configuration from config parts.
 * @return  void
public function init_config()
    $config = [];
    foreach ($this->config as $name)
        // Load and merge config parts.
        $config = array_merge($config, (array) Kohana::config($name, TRUE));
    $this->config = $config;
 * Automatically executed before the controller action.
 * @return  void
public function before()
    if ($this->check_auth)
    if ($this->auto_render)
    // Set config at end.
    if ($this->config)

Example of application config:

  'meta' => [
    'title' => 'Application title',
    'description' => 'Application description',

Example of controller config:

  'meta' => [
    'title' => 'Controller title',

Combined config in $config:

  'meta' => [
    'title' => 'Controller title',
    'description' => 'Application description',

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