
Request Flow

Every application follows the same flow:

  1. Application starts from index.php.
    1. The application, module, and system paths are set. (APPPATH, MODPATH, and SYSPATH)
    2. Error reporting levels are set.
    3. Install file is loaded, if it exists.
    4. The bootstrap file, APPPATH/bootstrap.php, is included.
  2. Once we are in bootstrap.php:
    1. The [Kohana] class is loaded.
    2. [Kohana::init] is called, which sets up error handling, caching, and logging.
    3. [Kohana_Config] readers and [Kohana_Log] writers are attached.
    4. [Kohana::modules] is called to enable additional modules.
      • Module paths are added to the cascading filesystem.
      • Includes each module’s init.php file, if it exists.
      • The init.php file can perform additional environment setup, including adding routes.
    5. [Route::set] is called multiple times to define the application routes.
    6. [Request::factory] is called to start processing the request.
      1. Checks each route that has been set until a match is found.
      2. Creates the controller instance and passes the request to it.
      3. Calls the [Controller::before] method.
      4. Calls the controller action, which generates the request response.
      5. Calls the [Controller::after] method.
  3. Application flow returns to index.php
    1. The main [Request] response is displayed

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